After doing a degree in Mathematics at Newcastle University, David started teaching English in Barcelona in 1993. His first group of 8-year-olds played a lot of Monopoly in class with financial rewards for speaking English and severe penalties for the use of L1 (including property confiscation and even short jail sentences). His subsequent professional training (CELTA 1994 and DELTA 2013) has equipped him with alternative methodologies and techniques.

He spent 10 years working in a variety of roles for a small and very successful IT company in London before returning to Barcelona in 2010 to resume teaching English. He has experience with General, Business English, and has successfully taught exam classes (CAE/CPE/IELTS). He worked at International House for a few years before it closed and has also taught at ESADE and EADE business schools.
He loves skiing, playing tennis, hiking, and riding his motorbike.