Anna Rifà is 53 years old and has been studying English for 4 years. For 2 of these years she’s been studying with us at NELC. “I’ve studied in other language centres, but NELC offers learners a very individualised learning experience. They also have a very good methodology and a team of very experienced and qualified teachers.”

NELC: Why did you choose NELC?
ANNA: Because I had started studying in ESADE’s Executive Language Centre so when they decided to close the centre and the NELC project started up, I didn’t doubt for a moment. I decided to continue improving my English with the same team of teachers that I knew and had complete confidence in.

NELC: What would you say stands out about our methodology?
ANNA: The most difficult part of studying a language is maintaining your interest. NELC’s methodology is, without a doubt, really interesting. You review grammar structures while you’re speaking or while you’re listening to a talk and you learn new vocabulary through using it. At NELC, they use a wide range of resources in different formats and they integrate different tasks which they are constantly adapting to the needs of the learners.

NELC: What would you like to highlight about our teachers?
ANNA: Over these last few years, I’ve had the good fortune to have 4 or 5 teachers, who are all very different but all very experienced. Perhaps the common denominator has been their skill in adapting their teaching to the particular group and giving attention to each learner, according to their particular needs. They treat everyone equally, but at the same time in a very personalised way.

NELC: How many people are there in a class?
ANNA: It depends on the course, but I’d say the average number who come to each class is about 5 or 6 people.

NELC: What would you say about your classmates?
ANNA: I’ve been fortunate in having really good fellow students: friendly, entertaining, and very committed to the group.


NELC: Do you think you can express yourself better in English now?
ANNA: Of course! Although I still have a lot to learn.

NELC: What do you think you’re missing?
ANNA: Having more time to spend on my English. I really like studying this language and in NELC, it’s not only interesting but also entertaining.


Name: Anna Rifà
Profession: Manager
Company/Organisation: Universitat Ramon Llull
NELC student since: 2013
Courses completed: Evening Track, Fast Track, Summer Saturation and Speaking
Duration: 10 or 15 week courses and summer intensives
Teachers: Claire Balch, John Power, Guy Lansing, Eileen Wallace