En articles anteriors, us expliquem com participar en reunions en anglès si ets la persona que l’organitza (el chair of the meeting). En aquesta ocasió, compartim aquelles expressions que pots fer servir si ets un assistent a la reunió i no la persona que la dirigeix.
Presentar-te (si no et coneixen) i realitzar la teva exposició:
For those who don’t already know me, my name is …
Let me quickly introduce myself for those who I haven’t met before. My name is …
Today, I’d like to discuss (topic) and suggest a few alternatives to…
I’m here today to explain my team’s research about…
Firstly…, secondly…, thirdly…
My presentation will be quite brief.
Let me show you a document that will make everything much clearer.
Interrompre educadament:
Sorry to interrupt but I’d like to say something.
Sorry to interrupt, but I’d like to hear some other views on this.
May I just add something here?
Demanar un aclariment o més informació:
Sorry, could you repeat that please?
Would you mind clarifying this point?
Can you go into further detail on this please?
Per a evitar interrupcions:
Please let me finish what I was saying
Could I come back to that later?
Mostrar conformitat o disconformitat amb la intervenció d’una altra persona:
I agree with you a hundred percent.
You’re absolutely right.
I’m afraid I can’t agree with you.
I’m sorry but I disagree.
I see your point, but…
I understand where you’re coming from, but…
En les nostres formacions, com dirigir reunions en anglès és un dels role-plays que es treballen més en profunditat. Si tens interès a formar-te amb nosaltres per a millorar el teu anglès laboral, posa’t en contacte amb nosaltres.